Types of Charity


This is the compulsory alms-giving which Allah has given the order for in the Qur’an. Its status is Fardh. Zakah is only eligible upon mature, sane men and women who meet Nisab threshold. 2.5% of their wealth must then be given. Zakah must only be given to the specific eight categories mentioned in the Qur’an. If it is not given to any of them, then it will be void and necessary to re-pay. So donate to charity Zakat and fulfill the right of your wealth that Allah has bestowed upon you.


This is the general term used for giving charity in Islam. All acts of worship through financial expenditure are, by broader definition, classified as Sadaqah. Due to there being many types, they have been divided into the following two categories both of which have separate rulings:

1. Sadaqah Wajibah

This is charity which is binding in nature. It includes Sadaqah al-Fitr, etc. This form of Sadaqah is similar to Zakah in that it must be spent on the same categories as defined by the Qur’an, except that it is not a condition for the beneficiary to be Muslim.

+ Sadaqatul Fitr
+ Nadhr
+ Fidyah
+ Kaffarah
+ Udhiyyah

2. Sadaqah Nafilah

This is charity which is not binding in nature but is optional. This type includes alms given for the removal of difficulties, philanthropic (to give out of mercy to the less fortunate), the general giving of any Halal item to any one etc. This type does not need to be spent on the specified categories to be rewarding nor does it have to be spent on Muslims, although if spent on poor Muslims it would be more rewarding. This can also be bequeathed in one’s will (in which case it would be only up to a third of the deceased person’s entire estate).

+ Lillah
+ Waqf
+ Aqeeqah
+ Sadaqah for Removing Difficulties
+ Sadaqah for Expiating Sins
+ Charity above the amount of Zakat and Sadaqah Wajibah

Other Types of Charity

Sadaqah Jariyah, Qardh Hasan, and other forms of giving are also important...

+ Sadaqah Jaariyah
+ Qardh Hasan
+ Qardh
+ Interest
+ Haram Income